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Customer Testimonials: What Users Are Saying About iPlanTables

At iPlanTables, we’re often asked how we feel about our units. And while we genuinely appreciate every single one, the truth is, we love all our products like proud parents love their children. But instead of making subjective judgments, we let our clients speak for us. Their experiences and feedback, through product testimonials, reveal the true value of our workstations. Here are some of the powerful customer testimonials from our users around the globe.

Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials: Real Feedback from Real Users About iPlanTables

“We’ll Buy One for Evaluation – We Now Have 36 Workstations”

Our clients’ confidence in our products is evident. One user excitedly shared, “We’ll buy one for evaluation – we now have 36 workstations.” This commitment reflects the trust our clients place in iPlanTables and our technology.

“Our Greatest Technology Addition Since the PC”

The impact of our workstations on productivity cannot be understated. As one customer exclaimed, “We doubled our estimating cycle!” This kind of efficiency is exactly what we aim to deliver with our technology.

“Transforming Workflows and Mindsets”

Our technology not only enhances workflows but also changes mindsets. A client shared, “I don’t use your workstations, but my employees do; by equipping them with a plan review management tool, they went from dreading the task to embracing it.” This shift in attitude can have a profound effect on team morale and productivity.

“Sustainability in Action”

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, our clients have found significant benefits. One user proudly stated, “We eliminated over 2 million square feet of printing!” This highlights not only our technology’s efficiency but also its role in fostering a more environmentally friendly workplace.

customer feedback

“Revolutionizing Plan Management”

Many clients have expressed excitement over the simplicity and effectiveness of our tools. “Finally, a technology tool for plan management!” is a sentiment echoed by numerous users who appreciate how we streamline their processes.

“Distinguishing Features”

While some may compare our units to others, our clients recognize the important differences. One customer pointed out, “Our finance department tried to tell us other units ‘looked’ just like iPlanTables; we corrected them and pointed out the important differences.” It’s the unique features and functionalities that set us apart.

“Jump Start to Success”

Our commitment to helping our clients succeed is evident in the feedback we receive. As one satisfied user shared, iPlanTables provided us with their Jump Start class, helping us hit the ground running.” This hands-on support makes a real difference in how quickly teams can adapt and thrive.

“Quality That Speaks Volumes”

Quality is a hallmark of our workstations, and our clients consistently affirm this. One client emphasized, “Quality is phenomenal.” We take great pride in the craftsmanship and technology behind every unit.

“A New Standard”

The commitment to our workstations is evident when clients change jobs. One former client stated, “I changed jobs and the FIRST thing I did was order an iPlanTables workstation.” This kind of loyalty reinforces the impact our products have on users.

“Exceeded Expectations”

Feedback like “You totally undersold it; they are fantastic!” reinforces that we consistently meet and exceed our client’s expectations. We aim not just to satisfy but to impress.

FM Hydra multi-monitor setup for plan management

“A Move Towards Simplicity”

Clients appreciate the simplicity our workstations bring. One user exclaimed, “I fought for my paper; I should have done this years ago!” This statement encapsulates the desire for efficiency and modernity in the workplace.

“Comfort and Accessibility for All”

We believe our technology should be accessible to everyone, regardless of age or ability. As one client put it, “All of our employees love it, from 25 to 65.” This inclusivity is fundamental to our mission.

“Goodbye to Traditional Tools”

Finally, our clients celebrate the transition away from traditional tools. One user humorously noted, “No more sharpies, rulers, or protractors!” This lighthearted comment highlights the ease and efficiency that come with our technology.

Thank You for the Best Client Reviews

These customer testimonials are just a glimpse into the satisfaction our products bring to clients worldwide. We’re grateful to thousands of worldwide users sharing product testimonials with us. The customer feedback about our products motivates us to continue innovating and providing the best tools for plan management.


Do Your Homework – Pictures on the Web Isn’t Research

product testimonials

Efficiency and innovation are not just buzzwords—they are the foundation we build at iPlanTables. We invite you to experience the power and precision of our workstations firsthand.

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kevin Rowe
Kevin Rowe Chairman and CEO iPlanTables

With 32 years in blueprinting and leadership at a top National Reprographics Shop, Kevin Rowe shifted to digital formats, revolutionizing project plans. He was hired by Goldman Sachs to author a paper, by Adobe to create an AEC-friendly Adobe Acrobat, and by Xerox to create national training materials. Kevin Rowe is a keynote speaker at global conferences, has led industry associations, and pioneered iPlanTables in 2011. Know More

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