Workstation setups

Maximize Every Minute: The Impact of iPlanTables Workstation Setup on Your Productivity

Profitable Time is all about maximizing the hours in your day by enhancing your productivity. Imagine accomplishing more in less time simply by upgrading your workstation setup. This is where iPlanTables monitor workstation comes into play.

The Importance of a Quality Workstation Setup

Typically, you’ll spend most of your day in front of a computer screen. In fact, research commissioned by the University of Utah reveals that users working on Large Touch Screen Computer Monitor can finish tasks in half the time compared to those using traditional desktop or laptop monitors.

workstation setup

Why Does This Matter?

The difference comes from the lost hours spent panning, zooming, scrolling, and searching for small details in your drawings, spreadsheets, documents, and images. One satisfied customer shared their experience:

Customer Testimonial

“I worked at another company and used a small laptop to view panels of drawings and spent days panning, zooming, and scrolling. It drove me crazy! Your iPlanTables workstations are a Godsend! I get my work done five times faster, and I paid for it in 6 months of just saving time.”
— County Plan Reviewer

Small Screen Challenges:

Using small screens presents several challenges:

  • Limited screen real estate
  • Eye strain and fatigue
  • Reduced productivity
  • Inefficient multitasking

The Solution: iPlanTables Workstation Setup

iPlanTables offers large, wide-format 4K touchscreen monitors that address these issues head-on. Our spacious screen workstations provide:

  • Ample workspace
  • Enhanced comfort
  • Productivity boost
  • Immersive experience
  • Touch technology with palm rejection, clearer images, more USB ports available, additional add-ons and accessories to customize your workstation for your personal workspace.
4K touchscreen monitors

The Cost of Inefficiency

The average employee using only small screens spends about 30 minutes daily just panning, zooming, and scrolling through documents. This seemingly minor inconvenience adds up to a staggering 2,600 hours per year for a company with 20 employees.

Let’s break down the numbers:

  • 1 employee: 130 hours/year wasted
  • 5 employees: 650 hours/year wasted
  • 10 employees: 1,300 hours/year wasted
  • 20 employees: 2,600 hours/year wasted

With an average salary of $50,000/year, this translates to significant losses:

  • 1 employee: ~$3,250/year lost
  • 5 employees: ~$16,250/year lost
  • 10 employees: ~$32,500/year lost
  • 20 employees: ~$65,000/year lost

Minutes become hours; hours become weeks; weeks become months.

It’s Not Just What You Can See That Worries You
It’s What You Miss That Creates Risk!

Invest in a workstation setup that enhances your productivity. Experience the difference with iPlanTables.

Efficiency and innovation are not just buzzwords—they are the foundation we build at iPlanTables. We invite you to experience the power and precision of our workstations firsthand.

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kevin Rowe
Kevin Rowe Chairman and CEO iPlanTables

With 32 years in blueprinting and leadership at a top National Reprographics Shop, Kevin Rowe shifted to digital formats, revolutionizing project plans. He was hired by Goldman Sachs to author a paper, by Adobe to create an AEC-friendly Adobe Acrobat, and by Xerox to create national training materials. Kevin Rowe is a keynote speaker at global conferences, has led industry associations, and pioneered iPlanTables in 2011. Know More

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